Floris Alberse

Your leadership program

Where does your
focus lie?

The goal of this leadership program is to work together on the growth you want to achieve. The focus is on your role in the organization (connections with others, job satisfaction, meaningful results) or your personal life (love, energy, family). We can, of course, combine your development as a leader with a next step for your management team and organization.

Personal questions

Leadership questions

Sleeping well again

‘Floris took me out of my ‘action mode’ and invited me to reflect, sometimes to the point of irritation. But he draws from a vast range of experience and knowledge. His exercises brought me to the heart of the matter in almost no time. My work relationships have improved, I sleep better and I know how to do the right thing.’

Board member

This experience is anonymous at the request of the referent. Confidentiality is paramount in our contact. If you would like to contact a director/administrator with whom I worked, please let me know.

I found joy again

‘With years of experience as a director, I transferred to another company into a wonderful new role. But I soon got the feeling that I couldn’t meet expectations and was falling short. In the process with Floris, we also came to talk about my childhood experiences at home. To my surprise, I found one of the keys to my growth in these memories. The feeling of inadequacy turned into a feeling of joy.’


This experience is anonymous at the request of the referent. Confidentiality is paramount in our contact. If you would like to contact a director/administrator with whom I worked, please let me know.

I have regained control

I had my doubts about doing a program with Floris because I thought coaching was a bit woolly and I believed that I could solve the problem myself. Out of sheer curiosity, I decided to go for it anyway. And I am glad I did.Floris listened, analyzed and provided me with challenging exercises. Now I feel like I’m truly in my lane. I’m back in the driver’s seat.


This experience is anonymous at the request of the referent. Confidentiality is paramount in our contact. If you would like to contact a director/administrator with whom I worked, please let me know.

Appreciative and confrontational

I invite you to grow your awareness. In a pleasant, safe and challenging setting, you’ll get to know more about your own situation and your attitudes and beliefs. I’m along for the ride and will highlight any patterns I see. Together, we shed new light on what is going on the conscious and subconscious level. I work with appreciation and confrontation, deepening your wisdom and rooting you in your own story. If it helps in your situation, I give you practical tools.

Sparring partner in your learning process

In my coaching, I make sure to create space for your story. As a sparring partner in your learning process, I also bring in my own story, with my personal experiences in life and work. Because I work with CEOs and managers on a daily basis, I see patterns that will benefit your learning. I incorporate my knowledge of personal development, organizational change and social movements in the process. I am a certified coach in systemic work, transactional analysis (TA) and NLP, with additional training in bodywork and meditation.

Discovering hidden potential

I mirror your energy but will challenge you where needed. After all, as the Dutch say: there is no shine without friction. I will ask you the kinds of questions you may not be used to: I dig deeper, try to stir things up and make you think about purpose. My leadership training will find its way into your head, heart and hands in surprising ways. I do the bulk of the coaching work myself, but we may – with your permission – also incorporate some surprising input from others. Together, we tap into your hidden potential, so that you can walk the road of life with confidence and satisfaction, truly step into your leadership role and achieve meaningful results.

Seen and understood at my core

I already knew myself quite well, also as a leader, yet I often fell into the same traps. With Floris, I felt truly seen at my core. Because of this, I have grown further. I feel much better now.

Managing director / owner

This experience is anonymous at the request of the referent. Confidentiality is paramount in our contact. If you would like to contact a director/administrator with whom I worked, please let me know.

More job satisfaction

“As an executive team, we were often rushed and worked ad hoc. Now, we are calmer and at the same time more energized. Our own job satisfaction has increased, and we’ve noticed that employees feel more seen and heard as well, creating a more relaxed working atmosphere. This has also been noticed by our clients.”

Executive team

This experience is anonymous at the request of the referent. Confidentiality is paramount in our contact. If you would like to contact a director/administrator with whom I worked, please let me know.

My joy has returned

“A lot was demanded of me, and at times I lost myself. The leadership program has made me stronger. I’m still working as a director, but now I stand firmer, provide clearer guidance, and my joy has returned.”

Managing director

This experience is anonymous at the request of the referent. Confidentiality is paramount in our contact. If you would like to contact a director/administrator with whom I worked, please let me know.

Step one: your development goals

In this session we meet, examine your situation and your development goals, and discuss effective interventions that fit your personal situation and possibly that of your management team or organization. If we both feel there’s a good match, we will shape your leadership program together.

Read more about leadership

I talk about the word a lot, but what exactly is leadership? Discover three angles from which to look at your own development.


What can I do for you?

Volle agenda?

Het kan er wel eens bij inschieten om stil te staan bij de echte vragen in het leven en leiderschap.

Ik bied je graag drie reflectiemomenten aan: je ontvangt ze per mail en ze duren een paar minuten.

Zodat je je dag daarna met aandacht en focus kunt continueren. En op termijn wellicht meer plezier en voldoening ervaart.

Zin in drie reflectiemomenten?

Uitschrijven kan altijd met één klik. Je gegevens zijn veilig en worden nooit met anderen gedeeld.

Your schedule full of meetings?

Then it can get away from time to time to dwell on the real questions in your life and leadership. This is what I regularly hear from directors and administrators who contact me.

That’s why I offer three reflection retreats. They are nano retreats of a few minutes that I send you by email. So that afterwards you can continue your day with pleasure and satisfaction.


I keep your information carefully and never share it with others. Unsubscribing can always be done with one click.