Floris Alberse

About Floris

Floris Alberse Leadership coaches leaders who want to experience more connection, fulfillment and meaning in their personal en professional lives.

Achieve growth

  • Experienced sparring partner for CEOs, directors and executives.
  • 8+ years guest lecturer in Leadership at Nyenrode Business University.
  • 7+ years moderator at the European Leadership Platform.
  • Rich experience as an interviewer on radio and TV (VPRO, NTR).
  • Appreciative and confrontational; cognitive and body-oriented.
  • Certified in NLP, systemic work and Transactional Analysis.
  • I challenge you as a person.


Floris Alberse Leadership was founded by -suprise, surprise- me: Floris. I provide most of the guidance in your leadership program. Depending on your development needs, I work together with a team of colleagues: process supervisors, team coaches, an illustrator, photographer, designer, martial artist or a pianist.

I believe we need encounters with other people in order to properly reflect on ourselves and experience meaning. The other person mirrors you and shows you what you cannot see yourself. It is precisely in an encounter that clarity and joy emerge about who you are and what you are here to do.

We need the encounter
with the other
to learn.

What do I want out of life?

Early days at home at the kitchen table, I was taught a lot about social engagement and purpose. My father talked openly about his dilemmas as a director; my mother found her sense of meaning in her faith. We had deep discussions. I was looking for answers to the questions: What is my life about? Who am I? And how can I make an impact on things that matter?

I studied Sociology with a minor in Psychology, History and Philosophy in Amsterdam and Berlin. I enjoyed my internship as a career coach at the University of Amsterdam and had many meaningful conversations during my time there. I did a second Master’s degree, this time in Journalism. This allowed me to improve my skills in observing, listening and interviewing.

As an editor for the Dutch talk show Pauw & Witteman, documentary maker for VPRO and interviewer for NRC, I developed an interest in societal issues with personal stories about sustainability, integration and natural leadership.

And what does life want from me?

At Nyenrode Business University, I had the opportunity to deliver lectures and workshops on storytelling and leadership. Who are you as a leader? And how can you inspire people with real stories? I experienced the joy of real and in-depth conversations, in which people are daring enough to really look at themselves and each other. It made me proud to see when leaders started to make more conscious decisions.

As a sparring partner, I now meet daily with directors and managers with whom I share meaningful conversations. Our eyes on the future, always in search of wisdom, and with the aim to achieve personal growth. I combine knowledge from the fields of psychology of change, organizational sociology and literature on leadership. The rest is mostly alignment: I try to lead in terms of attitude and behavior. These encounters help me to continuously learn and grow.

Collaboration covenants

Vanuit In Mundo werk ik met directeuren en bestuurders in het onderwijs. We dragen bij aan het vormgeven van  betekenisvol onderwijs, gericht op de ontwikkeling van mensen met het oog op het welzijn van al het leven op aarde. De hele mens in de leerling wordt ontmoet en daarmee welkom geheten met alles wat er is. We richten ons op leiderschap met impact dat bijdraagt aan gezonde en levendige onderwijsorganisaties.

Voor Nyenrode Business University werk ik als executive coach voor directeuren en bestuurders. Sinds 7+ jaar ben ik verbonden als gastdocent Leiderschap. Daarnaast begeleidde ik senior leiderschapsprogramma’s.

Als moderator ben ik sinds 6+ jaar verbonden aan het European Leadership Platform op de Zuidas. Leiders uit het bedrijfsleven en (semi-)overheid komen bij elkaar om uit te zoomen van hun dagelijkse praktijk, op zoek naar wijsheid in leiderschapsdialogen.

Ik ben CRKBO-gecertificeerd. Ook NLP-gecertificeerd, opgeleid als socioloog en diverse leiderschaps- en therapeutische opleidingen.

The holy grail of change

In order to effectively guide people and organizations through substantial transformations, I have taken several intensive courses at Phoenix Training, among others. I got to know myself even better, including my talents and pitfalls.

Learning and development is a process that involves your head, heart and hands. Knowledge is one thing, application is another. Wisdom is about connecting thought, emotions and actions. That is why I work based on my experience of what is here and now, between you and me. In my sessions, I give you direct feedback, because what you show in your interactions with me may just be related to your patterns outside of our program.

My clients appreciate the real encounters, my appreciative and confrontational questions and the steps they can take to change with lasting results. I want to invite you to bring your whole self into my program: with everything there is, all thoughts and emotions.

My core values

Finding meaning for yourself, your organization and society

Finding joy and fulfillment through use of your talents

Wholeness: you can bring your whole self to my practice

Development: responding to new impulses & change

More about me

More love and stability at home

‘My leadership program with Floris has changed a lot. I now combine my focus on results with a deeper connection with colleagues. As a result, I’m seeing new ideas and beautiful results emerge. In my home life too,I experience more love and stability.’


This experience is anonymous at the request of the referent. Confidentiality is key in our contact. If you would like to contact an executive or board member with whom I worked, please let me know.

I regularly think back to the program

‘As a CFO, I am a man of numbers and factual analysis and I didn’t take a big interest in psychology. But I hadn’t been feeling my best for some time and that was new to me. With Floris I quickly felt safe and at ease. He listened, analyzed and outlined the situation in a way that touched me. I regularly think back to the process.’

Board member

This experience is anonymous at the request of the referent. Confidentiality is key in our contact. If you would like to contact an executive or board member with whom I worked, please let me know.




I have regained control

I had my doubts about doing a program with Floris because I thought coaching was a bit woolly and I believed I could solve the problem myself. I decided to go for it anyway. With success. Floris listened, analyzed and provided me with challenging exercises. Now I feel in my lane. I’m back in the driver’s seat.


This experience is anonymous at the request of the referent. Confidentiality is key in our contact. If you would like to contact an executive or board member with whom I worked, please let me know.




Let’s get started!

In our intake, we will meet, examine your situation and development goals, and discuss effective interventions that benefit your personal situation and, optionally, that of your executive team or organization.

Leadership program

What can my leadership program do for you? And what has it done for other managers, directors and CEOs?

Not a CEO or manager?

I occasionally make room in my schedule for people who are not in top leadership positions. Conversations I have with them are usually about big life events such as love, loss, meaning or personal leadership. Want to schedule a session with me? Give me a call or send me an email.

Want to stay informed about my offerings around the themes of love, loss, meaning or personal leadership? Sign up for my newsletter to stay up-to-date:


What can I do for you?

Volle agenda?

Het kan er wel eens bij inschieten om stil te staan bij de echte vragen in het leven en leiderschap.

Ik bied je graag drie reflectiemomenten aan: je ontvangt ze per mail en ze duren een paar minuten.

Zodat je je dag daarna met aandacht en focus kunt continueren. En op termijn wellicht meer plezier en voldoening ervaart.

Zin in drie reflectiemomenten?

Uitschrijven kan altijd met één klik. Je gegevens zijn veilig en worden nooit met anderen gedeeld.

Your schedule full of meetings?

Then it can get away from time to time to dwell on the real questions in your life and leadership. This is what I regularly hear from directors and administrators who contact me.

That’s why I offer three reflection retreats. They are nano retreats of a few minutes that I send you by email. So that afterwards you can continue your day with pleasure and satisfaction.


I keep your information carefully and never share it with others. Unsubscribing can always be done with one click.